Frequently Asked Questions
Commonly asked questions about Yoni V-Steaming may include, but are not limited to the following:
1. What is Yoni V-Steaming?
Yoni V-Steaming, Peri Steam Hydrotherapy, also known as pelvis steaming, is an ancient holistic health practice where a woman sits over a heated sauna of herbal-infused steam to cleanse and revitalize her feminine reproductive system.
2. What are the benefits of Yoni V-Steaming?
Yoni V-Steaming helps with menstrual cramps, regulating menstrual cycles, reducing painful periods & symptoms, assist with fibroids, UTI’s, helps reduce stress & anxiety, eliminates vaginal bacteria & irritation, enhances libido, an aphrodisiac, improves vaginal dryness, and removes old residue & stagnation from uterine wall. As a result, it promotes healthy womb care (brochure avail for more benefits).
3. Is Yoni V-Steaming safe?
When performed correctly and under the guidance of trained Vaginal Steam Practitioners, PFc. Yoni V-Steaming is holistic, generally safe, gentle, nourishing and non-invasive. ****”
Contraindications/ “Do Not” V-Steam, if your pregnant (or tested positive for pregnancy), when on your period (red blood present), when you are ovulating , when infections are open and active, or if you have had a recent surgical procedure (only after 6wks post-care). We encourage our guests to consult with a healthcare provider if needed.
4. Can I steam on my period?
No, when you are on your period it is a contraindication to have a vaginal steam treatment. Absolutely not recommended.
5. When is a good time to steam before or after my period?
The exact time “when” may vary based on the individual circumstances, symptoms and/or period’s flow (normal/irregular or heaviness). A more detailed discussion may be required in consultation.
6. Can I steam if I am trying to get pregnant ?
Steaming is a contraindication when ovulation is occurring or present and if the initial goal is to conceive. “Caution Not Recommended.”
7. When is it safe to V-Steam before or after “Waxing”?
V-Steaming is recommended BEFORE waxing. Waxing exfoliates the skin, best to steam first to avoid steaming irritated skin after waxed. AFTER a Brazilian Wax it's recommended to wait 3 days after to V-Steam. Razor waxing best to wait 3-5 days afterward (AVOID steaming if you have open wounds, irritations and/or infection on vaginal area).
8. Can I steam with an IUD?
Steaming is possible with IUD upon consent. Consultation is available for more details.
9. How often should I Yoni V-Steaming?
The frequency of Yoni V-Steaming depends on individual needs and preferences. Women may benefit from doing it once a month or bi-weekly, while others may find it helpful to do it more or less frequently. It's important to listen to your body and adjust accordingly for specific treatment options.
10. What herbs are used in Yoni V-Steaming?
Various herbs can be used in Yoni V-Steaming blends, including mugwort, rosemary, basil, lavender, sage, and chamomile, etc. There are other herbal blends formulated to specifically address feminine concerns. Each herb has different properties and may be selected based on individual needs, specific health challenges. In addition, to detoxifying, rejuvenation, PH balance and/or relaxation and personal goal of our guests.
11. Are there any side effects or risks associated with Yoni V-Steaming?
While Yoni V-Steaming is generally safe, some individuals may experience side effects such as allergic reaction to the herbs, to ensure the safety of our guests and to eliminate risk. It is necessary that each guest completes and submits a Vaginal Steam Intake Form (VSF) prior to treatment.
Motto “We don’t burn the COOKIES ”
It's crucial to start with a moderate temperature and duration to avoid adverse effects. A woman’s body is uniquely created and individual care is vital to ensure effective & safe treatment.
12. Does Yoni V-Steaming help with fertility?
Some proponents believe that Yoni V-Steaming can support fertility by promoting circulation, balancing hormones, removing stagnation & nurturing the womb back to healthy state. Lifestyle is also essential to achieving set goals.
***Consultation is highly recommended for more indebt detailed inquiries regarding fertility, fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, etc.
13. How long is a Vaginal Steam Treatment?
Treatment for guests are generally scheduled individually for one hour in the our Treatment Room (time duration may vary).
In addition, group events 4-6 guests are booked for 1.5-2hrs based on size of groups.
Final Note:
By addressing these questions, potential guests can gain a better understanding of Yoni V-Steaming and make a choice to become an advocate for their own feminine health and wellness. Feminine Reproductive self-care is essentials to a healthy lifestyle..
*Please note, free consultations are included with each booked appointments